Frottage City


  • Jean-Louis Cohen New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, New York, NY, EUA



Citation, Intertextuality, Transurbanity, City, History, Urban Form


Citation is a basic operation among all artistic and literary practices, as well as among any discursive forms of everyday life. It has also been a widespread practice within the architectural discourse since the Renaissance. What about quotations within non-verbal productions? Intertextuality works in several regions of architectural theory and practice. Taking it into account allows for the understanding of the ways by which different architects’ ideas and projects may ressonate in their contemporaries or successors. Intericonicity, intertectonicity and, above all, transurbanity are relevant categories to the understanding of local, national or universal circulation of images, material characters and urban forms in the making of the historical fabric of cities.


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Author Biography

Jean-Louis Cohen, New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, New York, NY, EUA

Architect, historian, with a Phd from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, he was a professor at the Paris-Villemin School of Architecture (1983-1996) and at the Institut Français d'Urbanisme in the University of Paris (1996-2004). Creator of the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris, he has been a professor at the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University since 1994. Among his books: Des fortifs au Périf, Paris: les seuils de la ville (1992), Scenes of the World to Come; European Architecture and the American Challenge 1893-1960 (1995), Casablanca, Colonial Myths and Architectural Ventures (2002, with Monique Eleb), Le Corbusier, la planète comme chantier (Textuel, 2005), Architecture in Uniform: designing and building for the Second World War (2011), The Future of Architecture Since 1889 (Phaidon, 2012), Architecture, modernité, modernization (2017).


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How to Cite

Cohen, J.-L. (2020). Frottage City. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Urbanos E Regionais, 22.



Articles - City, History & Culture