Commuting to work and wage differentials in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region
Commuting, Wage Differentials, Quantile Models, Hierarchical Models, Metropolitan Region of São PauloAbstract
The objective of this study is to investigate wage differentials due to commuting in RMSP using data from the 2010 Brazilian Demographic Census. The main focus is to verify the existence of wage premiums for workers whose municipalities of residence and work are distinct, controlling for individual, occupational and household characteristics, vis-a-vis workers who live and work at the same municipality, disregarding workers whose displacements are limited to the same municipality. We used quantile and hierarchical models. The main results reveal the importance of race, educational level and employment position as determinants of workers’ earnings along the wage distributions of men and women. Moreover, we observed positive earning premiums for workers who commuted between different municipalities for both sexes. Finally, differences of costs of living in municipalities were associated with workers’ wage.
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