Geoprocessing applied to the analysis of property market dynamics: a study on urban voids in the Northern Area of Niterói, RJ
Urban voids, Transit-Oriented Development, Real estate dynamics, Geoprocessing, Public policyAbstract
Recent studies have shown promising uses of geotechnologies in the study and management of cities, with important contributions to the regulation of land use. In this article, we address the real estate dynamics and its relation with land use through a study of urban voids in infrastructure-served areas. This approach meets the prescriptions of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), which proposes, among other things, a better use of urban land in the proximity of mass transit infrastructure. To assess the reconvertion of land in these areas, with a view to better distributing land value and meeting the social function of land and property, we have defined our study in the northern section of Niterói/RJ, along one of the main roads in the city. We have used different public data to identify both vacant land and property that is vacant or underutilized in the context they are located.
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