Open Science Compliance

The Open Science movement proposes guidelines for collaborative, shared and public scientific practice. In accordance with these guidelines, the Brazilian Journal of Urban and Regional Studies (RBEUR) has adopted several practices promoting accessibility and transparency. These include open access publishing, a code of ethics for editors, and the use of social networks to disseminate published works. These measures are accompanied by a comprehensive information management plan to guarantee the preservation and recovery of all published content.

In the publications, the editors' contributions are duly credited, together with a precise indication of the role played by each author in scientific texts with multiple authors, using the Contributor Roles Taxonomy). The reviewers, in turn, receive a declaration of the reviewer manuscript report and may also validate the activity on Publons.

In addition, RBEUR also encourages the publication of preprint scientific texts on public platforms, such as Preprints, SciELO and Psyarxiv, so that, if applicable, they may be discussed openly before being published.

Starting in 2024, we have introduced the Open Science Compliance Form, in which authors express their interest in open peer review, a process that offers two options: 1) the opportunity to publish reviewer comments on approved manuscripts with the option of disclosing reviewer identities, and 2) the possibility of both authors and reviewers having their identities revealed in the evaluation process (mutual disclosure). Publication approval will require consultation with both authors and reviewers to ensure that the content provides a meaningful contribution to furthering the discussion on the topics addressed in the approved texts.

Lastly, RBEUR encourages and dialogues with authors so as to share the data sets used in their analyses.