Publication Ethics

The Brazilian Journal of Urban and Regional Studies (RBEUR) is guided by ethical principles related to transparency regarding editorial procedures, confidentiality regarding information contained in submitted manuscripts and equality, impartiality, objectivity and scientific rigor in assessing the relevance and academic quality of the scientific texts.

Following the recommendations of good editorial practices drawn up by internationally recognized associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), RBEUR has adopted a set of procedures to guide the various actors involved in the editorial process: authors, editors, reviewers.

Authors must:

  1. Ensure that submitted texts are original and unpublished, and are not under assessment in other journals. However, works that have been presented or published in conference proceedings, institutional repositories, or authors' personal pages may be accepted.
  2. Identify the contribution of each co-author, as indicated in the "Publication Guidelines" section.
  3.  Identify all authors whose works or words have been referenced in the submitted manuscript, as indicated in the "Publication Guidelines" section.
  4. Respond clearly and promptly to questions and requests from RBEUR throughout the peer review process.
  5. Provide corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies in the event of plagiarism, fraud, or errors. This may include the removal of the text from RBEUR's digital platforms.  
  6. Promptly notify the editorial board should any errors be encountered in the material under review.
  7. Declare any conflicts of interest, as indicated in the "Publication Guidelines" section.
  8. Assume full responsibility for the content of the submitted work.
  9. Editors must:
  10. Conduct the assessment process for scientific manuscripts submitted to RBEUR, adhering to the journal's principles of equality, impartiality, objectivity, and scientific rigor in assessing the relevance and academic quality of the work.
  11. Maintain the anonymity of authors and reviewers throughout the assessment process.
  12. Refrain from publishing manuscripts, even those selected, that do not comply with the journal's ethical and editorial standards.
  1. Ensure there are no conflicts of interest related to the scientific manuscripts, authors, and/or funders throughout the editorial process.
  1. Respond responsibly and promptly to any allegations of error and/or misconduct, ensuring that all parties have the right to express their views.
  2. Guarantee that the integrity of individuals and institutions affected by misconduct is protected through the publication of corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies.
  3. The reviewers must:
  4. Maintain the confidentiality of all data associated with the manuscripts under review and avoid storing copies of unpublished materials on devices under their control.
  5. Ensure a fair, objective, and efficient assessment process, upholding integrity and impartiality while assisting the editorial board in decision-making.
  6. Disclose potential conflicts of interest related to the submitted manuscripts, authors, and/or funders.
  7. Report any suspected plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or other misconduct by authors to the editorial board.


The editorial board will carry out the following procedures in response to any suspected or reported misconduct:

The editorial board will analyze any allegations of unethical behavior on the part of any individuals in the RBEUR editorial process, whether related to the procedures or published content.

An investigation will commence only if there is solid evidence.

All parties involved will be given the opportunity for a full defense, as well as access to information regarding the investigation process and potential consequences.

Before unethical conduct is duly proven, all allegations and accusations will be kept confidential from the general public to protect the honor and integrity of those affected by the investigation.

Upon proven misconduct, depending on the severity of the situation, the following procedures may be adopted:

  1. Written warning to those who have engaged in misconduct, including a reminder of the potential consequences of similar actions in the future.
  2. Publication of corrections or clarifications by authors whose scientific text contains any type of error or inconsistency.
  3. Withdrawal of the manuscript from the journal's website and any other platforms, and publication of a document with retractions and apologies to the affected parties.

RBEUR uses the freeware tool CopySpider to assist in the pre-assessment stage of manuscript review, aimed at localizing text similarities between the submitted manuscript and previously published material found online. It is important to note that CopySpider merely serves as a preliminary tool for identifying potential plagiarism or self-plagiarism. The ultimate decision regarding whether or not plagiarism has occurred rests with the editors of RBEUR. In making this determination, the editors will carefully consider the relevant guidelines and ethical principles outlined by the journal.

At the time of submission, authors are responsible for providing a statement indicating whether the research has been approved by an institutional ethics committee.