Scientific colonialism and Brazilian and Latin-American journals: challenges in the international dissemination of urban and regional studies
Urban Planning, Urban and Regional Management, Urban Theories, Urban Studies, Scientific colonialism, Scientific Diffusion, Scientific JournalsAbstract
Journals represent one of the main ways of validating and disseminating knowledge in the sciences. Science is not neutral. There is a complex academic and marketing gear of article production that influences how the knowledge network, citations and impact metrics work. This article addresses issues related to changes in the qualification of Brazilian and Latin American journals in the face of major editorial indexes. A comparative analysis was made of the placements of journals in PUR/D of Qualis (the four-year period 2013/2016 and Único 2020). The variables include placement in Qualis, registered indexes and metrics of impact. The results point to an alignment of CAPES classification method with the criteria of major editorial indexes. These changes are alike the high-impact publication and prioritization logic present in the exact and biological sciences. Finally, we discuss the effects that approach can bring to the scenario of scientific diffusion in Urban and Regional Planning.
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