The modern thinking of Gaston Bardet: Le Nouvel Urbanısme
Gaston Bardet, modern urbanism, declarations, Le Nouvel Urbanisme, utopiaAbstract
This article presents the urban thinking of Gaston Bardet – a twentieth century French urbanist – and is guided by the understanding of his critical reading of the city and of the current theories of the time, to formulate an idea of becoming. Its starting point was restlessness: was this the manner in which Bardet built his understanding of modern urbanism? His entire collection of work has been investigated, as well as his historiographical production. The documentary analysis was based on the order of the texts, the way in which Bardet pronounced, correlated, argued, analogized, and proceeded towards conceptual reuses, in a given socio-temporal context. The first part includes statements constructed by Bardet on urbanism, which enable us to perceive the priorities he considered to be challenges to that recent field of discipline. The second part is dedicated to the formulation of utopia in Le Nouvel Urbanisme, which viewed urbanism not only as a science, but primarily as a discipline endowed with a strong social character.
Acervos e fontes documentais
SIAF/Cité de L’Architecture et du patrimoine/Archives d’architecture du XXe siècle, Fonds Bardet.
Centre des Archives Contemporaines, Fontainebleau, Fonds Lebret (AN 45).
Artigos de Gaston Bardet
BARDET, G. Naissance de l’urbanisme. Revue Urbanisme. Paris, Urbanisme, n. 28, p. 232-233, jui.-sep. 1934.
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BARDET, G Paris et les autoroutes souterraines. Revue Urbanisme. Paris, n. 35, p. 164-173, avr. 1935b.
BARDET, G Paris, les autoroutes souterraines de grand trafic à grande profondeur. Revue Travaux. Paris, Éditions Science et Industrie, p.157-162, avr. 1935c.
BARDET, G La Paris souterrain. Revue L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui. Paris, n. 5-6, p. 39-41, jui. 1937a.
BARDET, G Le Centre d’échanges et les autoroutes souterraines de grande profondeur. Revue Le monde souterrain. Paris, G.E.R.C.U.S., n. spécial Activité au sous-sol, p. 83, jan. 1937b.
BARDET, G L’Organisation de l’urbanisme souterrain. Revue OSB. Paris, OSB, n. 1-7, p. 191-201, juil. 1938.
Livros de Gaston Bardet
BARDET, G. La Roma de Mussolini: une nouvelle ère romaine sous le signe du Faisceau. Paris: CH. Massin et C. Editeurs à Paris, 1937.
BARDET, G Problèmes d’urbanisme. Paris: Dunod, 1941.
BARDET, G Principes inédits d’enquêtes et d’analyses urbaines. Paris: Colma, 1943.
BARDET, G Pierre sur Pierre: construction du Nouvel Urbanisme. Paris: L.C.B. Editeurs, 1945.
BARDET, G L’Urbanisme. Paris: Puf, 1947. (Que sais-je?).
BARDET, G Le Nouvel Urbanisme. Paris: Vincent, Fréal et Cie, 1948.
BARDET, G Mission de l’urbanisme. Paris : Les Éditions ouvrières, 1949.
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